Tradition | Innovation | Performance | Quality

Koppen Stabilising offer

Cement Stabilising

  • Insitu stabilising using various cement based products
  • Strengthens the existing pavements
  • Improve low quality pavement material to make suitable for subbase or base
  • To reduce the thickness of base to achieve the required strength.



Lime Stabilisation

  • Lime stabilisation can be used to treat poor subgrades or materials with high clay contents.
  • Increases subgrades stiffness
  • Reduces the plasticity index (PI) of insitu pavement material
  • Enhances the volumetric stability for the top layer of material

Foamed Bitumen

  • Increases the sheer strength of a granular pavement
  • Strength characteristics approach that of cement treated materials while remaining flexible and hence relatively fatigue resistant
  • Can tolerate heavy rainfall therefore resulting in less damage than other stabilising methods.



Pulverisation Stabilising

  • Pulverise existing pavements for re-use.
  • Road recycling using existing materials.


  • Koppen Stabilising can also offer profiling services which can be carried out with fewer workers on the ground.
  • Profiling allows increased production rates, better control of depth and is quickly becoming the way to go for site excavation.
  • Using this method of excavation is much quicker and neater than traditional methods. The excess material from profiling can also be reused in other parts of the job.




  • Koppen Stabilising can offer full service pug and pave operations
  • Koppens operate Vogele Super 1800-3 paver equipped with navtronics and millimetre level control
  • The vogele paver is fully automatic including automatic screed bar and position

Road Widening

  • Koppens owns and operates road widener (XXX) used for installation of additional lane width to a single pass
  • The equipment increases production greatly and dramatically reduces wastage over grader placed methods



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  • I have no reservations in recommending Koppen Construction for future Water Main Works.  Koppen Construction Demonstrated their ability to work unsupervised in most instances which in turn resulted in savings to the council

  • Koppen Construction have demonstrated throughout this project their ability and the desire to work with and alongside the community in the Torers Strait, thus enabling employment opportunities for the local residents. I have no hesitation in recommending Koppen Construction for any project which involves Local Participation or Local Indigenous Employment

  • Overall, Koppen Construction carried out the project with a high level of professionalism, completed the job on time and to budget and were willing to work with the Superintendent to achieve a high quality finished product

  • The Seawall Reconstruction consisted of in depth project management and programming to meet strict timelines set out by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority.  Koppen Construction worked tirelessly on innovative techniques to ensure the wall was placed to industry best standards and contract specifications

  • The project included working adjacent to existing port stakeholders and environmentally sensitive areas.The Project delivery time frames required by the mine operator and PN were particularly onerous.  Koppen Construction maintained a positive working relationship with Ports North and completed the works within the timeframes required".  We found Koppen Construction to be competent and co-operative members of the project team

  • It is to be noted that this project involved risks which were mitigated by Koppen Construction through constant communication with myself and others working on the project, along with other control measures to ensure the safety of its staff, the public and existing infrastructure.  I can highly recommend Koppen Construction to your business as a reputable, experienced competent Contractor in Civil Construction